40 lbs Weight Loss, Candida Balanced, Fatigue Gone
"I am a business owner and I was struggling with my health. Before I worked with Paul and Yulia, I had an embarrassing chronic yeast infection and Candida, fatigue, skin issues and I could not release my stubborn weight.
I had my doubts about the high carb, high fruit lifestyle, especially after following the traditional "anti-Candida" diet, where I had to restrict carbs.
In just 6 weeks after I implemented the program, I was completely symptom-free!
My Candida and yeast infections were gone, I was no longer bloated, I felt lots of energy and I finally lost all the excess weight (losing a total of 40 lbs -- some before and some during the program).
Amazing transformation!"
- Brittney Douglas, California, USA
20 Lbs Weight Loss In 8 Weeks, Fatigue, Pre-Diabetes and Inflammation Reversed
Mary had a number of health problems that included hormonal imbalances, migraines, fatigue, blood sugar problems, joint problems, heartburn, and excess weight.
When Mary came to work with us, she was on a number of medications. The problem was her medications didn't always work.
On top of this, she had hormonal imbalances, stiff joints, heartburn, excess weight to lose and she was also pre-diabetic.
Within the very first week, her migraines had disappeared completely and her heartburn had gone, and this was just the start of her remarkable journey back to health, including hormonal balance and ease of her arthritis.
Within 8 weeks, she lost 20 lbs, had bundles of energy, and was empowered with the knowledge to continue to nurture and restore her body the right way.
- Mary, USA
Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days, Reversed Diabetes
"When I came to work with Paul and Yulia, I was 100 lbs overweight, with long-term type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health issues.
9 days after I switched to the new lifestyle plan, my blood sugar went down from 160 to 110.
I was eating a high fruit and carbohydrate diet and for the first time in years my blood sugar levels were dropping.
After 6 weeks, my blood sugar dropped to 98 -- the lowest it's been … forever! My doctor took me off some of my medications.
My energy levels had gone through the roof and my skin started to glow. After 90 days, I lost 30 pounds. My blood pressure and resting pulse were now both perfect. My high cholesterol levels had dropped.
I feel like I have a new life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
-- Judy Paps, USA
Hashimoto Symptoms Reversed, Fatigue Vanished In Just Weeks
"When I came to work with Paul, I wanted help with balancing my hypothyroidism and reversing Hashimoto's thyroid disease.
After seeing Paul and Yulia's videos and the positive results they had got for many ladies with thyroid issues, I decided to join their program.
I started to see big changes - my digestion was finally balanced, I started to sleep well, my energy levels went through the roof.
My thyroid and Hashimoto's symptoms were gone in a matter of weeks.
If you decide to work with Paul or Yulia, you won't look back. You'll learn so much and will be assisted every step of the way.
I'm so happy I made that choice!"
- Nydia Ottero, Puerto Rico
Reversed GERD, Balanced Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Lost Pounds In 60 Days
"I'm a professional female with a busy career. I came to work with Paul and Yulia because I had had enough of watching my health decline as she got older.
I'm 65, tried many diets, including Paleo, and failed many times. I had a lot of self-doubt and didn't believe in her ability to carry out this change.
Before we started working together, I had:
I didn't even expect to see such fast changes! My GERD acid reflux was gone in a matter of days and doctor took me off medication for it.
My kidney function improved, cholesterol went down, arthritis was no longer bothering me, high blood pressure became normal, and my skin was clear again.
My thyroid had improved and my doctor said he can start lowering my medication.
I lost about 12 lbs of extra weight and I feel young and vibrant again!"
- Nancy Evans, Pensylvania, USA
Candida Cured In Days With Fruit, Menopause Symptoms Balanced, 17lbs Weight Loss In 8 Weeks
"My candida infection had been a problem for me for a long time and I was desperate to find an answer.
I did not understand why I was still suffering with candida and was also very overweight on my supposedly "healthy", high fat Keto diet with grass-fed meat and organic vegetables.
My Candida was getting worst and I knew I needed to find a different approach. So I went in the opposite direction and switched to a high carb diet.
3 days later, I no longer had Candida symptoms. I started to work with Paul to help me fine-tune my new lifestyle plan.
I began to release extra weight fast without any carbohydrate restriction.
I was falling asleep easily and sleeping through the night, plus I was no longer experiencing hot flashes.
My skin began to glow and I dropped 17 lbs in 8 weeks.
I am beyond happy with my results and have a strong foundation to continue my journey.
Working with Paul has changed my life. Highly recommended!"
- Tina Stanley, Texas, USA
Healthy Pregnancy And Baby At 38, After A Previous Miscarriage
"I started working with Paul two weeks after a miscarriage. I knew that I needed to make the investment in taking care of my health if I wanted to carry a happy, healthy baby to term. Paul was great in helping change my nutrition and lifestyle plan, interpret my blood work and make the necessary personalized recommendations to rebuild my system.
My mindset required a lot of work after depression from the miscarriage's set-in. Paul was patient, kind and caring and with his help, I was able to restore my health to a space where I felt ready to try again after 4 months. We fell pregnant on the first try and this at the age of 38!
During the pregnancy I did not experience any of the typical symptoms such as water retention, acid reflux or cravings for junk food. I put this all down to the lifestyle I was now successfully implementing.
I carried a healthy baby girl to term - she arrived at 41 weeks and 4 days. Ten days after the birth I was back to my pre-pregnancy clothes and weight and only picked up 9kg during the nearly 42 weeks of carrying her.
If you are thinking of having a baby, your health is a critical investment to make and in particular if you are an older first time mom like me. The sooner you can do so, the better!
Photo: 10 days post birth."
- Janine
Mother Of 8 Overcame Fatigue, Skin Issues, Chronic Inflammation And Lost Weight
"Before I found Yulia and Paul, for over 5 years I had struggled with my health.
I'm a mother of 8 kids and I had many health issues. These included fatigue, heart palpitations, inflamed skin, swollen legs and fingers, major sleep problems, a lot of brain fog.
I also had excess weight to lose. I really struggled to do my daily tasks and be fully present for my family and kids.
Within just 4 weeks of implementing the lifestyle plan that Paul created for me, my health turned around completely.
I lost weight and started coming down in dress sizes, I started to feel a lot more energy, my sleep had normalized, skin issues have cleared, and heart palpitations were gone.
My kids and my husband noticed all the great improvements that I had experienced and we started sharing some of my healthy meals. I'm now able to be there fully for my family.
A life-changing experience!"
- Marina Swapp, USA
Balanced Debilitating Candida, SIBO And Fatigue
"I am a single mom and a business owner and I need to be healthy.
I am forever grateful for the advice I got on my health issues.
I would not make the mistake of going it alone when it comes to healing any chronic or serious conditions.
I am so grateful I got to work with Yulia and get a good jump start on healing. Today I am 97% healed from Lyme and co-infections, as long as I eat the way she told me to eat and take some key supplements that have helped as well. Thank you for everything you do!"
-- Elisabeth Dunham, Oregon, USA
Auto-Immune Acne Reversed In 8 Weeks
"I just can't express how grateful I am for Paul and Yulia's program.
Before I came to work with them, I had an auto-immune acne condition, plus yeast acne for 5 years.
I struggled with finding the right diet and approach for myself as I wanted to have clear and healthy skin.
The yeast acne was completely gone after 8 weeks on a new plan and it has not returned.
My autoimmune condition is reversed!
I look like a new person! Thank you, thank you!"
- Ivania, USA
Lost 45 lbs, Recovered From Candida, Fatigue, Being Pre-Diabetic
"I was overweight my entire adult life and I lost over 45lbs thanks to the high carb plant foods lifestyle. My BMI went all the way from the "obese" range to the "healthy" range.
I used to be pre-diabetic, had headaches almost every day, restless leg syndrome, random pains in my body, horrible PMS, and chronic fatigue.
I had frequent colds, flu, urinary tract infections and yeast infections, and many more unpleasant symptoms.
All of these symptoms went away on a new lifestyle and I literally have my life back!"
- Rosine Caplot, France
25 Pounds Weight Loss -- Slim, Fit, Strong, And Happy
"I am a personal trainer and I absolutely love my job.
But unfortunately, after losing my dad and coming to emotional eating, I gained a lot of weight.
I felt that I had to quit my job as a personal trainer and find less meaningful work elsewhere.
After months of struggling with low self esteem, I found Yulia and Paul.
I lost 25 lbs, I'm back to doing personal training again, I'm slim, fit strong and happy.
I can't thank Paul and Yulia enough!"
-- Katie Gurden, Essex, England
7+ Kilos Lighter In 7 Weeks And Feeling Satiated And Energetic
"7 weeks and I'm over 7 kilos down. I feel I have more focus. During the first week of my high raw journey, I immediately felt that I had lost a ton and I was no longer swelled.
In a few days, I felt amazingly good and energized.
I didn't feel tired throughout the day at all, despite being a working mum with 3 kids.
I felt a huge difference in my strength, flexibility, and resistance.
I don't think about food all day long, instead, I feel grateful and satiated.
Thank you, Yulia and Paul!"
- Elsa Alony, Portugal
Stable Blood Sugar And Bundles Of Energy!
"I am a business owner and I enjoy my work. I came to work with Yulia and Paul because I wanted to simplify my diet and learn about the fruit-based plant foods lifestyle.
I was pre-diabetic and I was also looking to release some of my unwanted weight. I've already released 5 pounds and want to continue losing weight by following the lifestyle plan that we've created together with Yulia.
My blood sugar is now stable and I can eat an abundance of fruit in my diet. My skin has changed as well and is now looking more glowing and healthy.
I've experienced a huge increase in energy, which gave me an opportunity to do the things I wanted to do in my own life. I've shifted my thinking around food and cleansed not only my body but also my mind, which helped me focus more on my own personal goals.
I highly recommend doing the program -- you'll be provided with instructions, motivation, and support to turn your life and health around."
-- Susan Spangler, Maryland, USA
Reversed Hashimoto's Thyroid Anti-Bodies In 30 Days!
"Before I started working with Paul, I was struggling with Hashimoto's. I had horrible flareups with headaches, nausea, stiff joints, and brain fog.
My face and hands were often swollen, I had a small goiter and I felt overwhelmed with everything.
I was also overweight. Every time I looked in the mirror, I felt as if I was looking at someone else. I didn't feel at home in my own body.
I wondered what I was doing wrong and why I was still having all these symptoms.
And then I discovered Yulia and Paul. I was mesmerized at how energetic Yulia was and how healthy her thyroid looked.
She was vibrant and thriving, and all of the tips she shared made so much sense! I knew this was the key I was looking for.
I started losing weight easily. I was never hungry once.
I have no more flareups, my tinnitus is gone, my joints no longer hurt, no more water retention, the brain fog is gone, and no more stiff necks and headaches.
In 4 weeks my thyroid antibodies were gone. My blood panel was so good I couldn't believe it.
I honestly feel like I'm 15 years younger. I no longer feel overwhelmed by life. I feel amazing.
The best thing about my new lifestyle is that I get to eat all the fruit I want. I just love that. My path to a healthy, beautiful, vibrant, thriving me. I am very grateful!"
-- Lieve, Belguim
Balanced Hormones And Was Taken Off Medication In 2 Weeks
"I came to work with Paul because I had issues with weight management and an elevated prolactin level.
Within 2 weeks of the diet and lifestyle plan that Paul has created for me, I have had the highest alkaline indicators I have ever had before.
My prolactin levels have stabilized and my doctor has taken me off medication which I was supposed to be taking for life. My hormones were healed naturally.
I felt an increase in energy, mind clarity. I lost 3 kilos (6 1/2 pounds) in 4 weeks without restricting myself of any carbohydrates.
It was a pleasure to work with Paul -- he is very attentive to detail and focused on achieving the goals I wanted to work towards.
I am going to continue on the path of healthy eating and feeling very motivated by the results I witnessed and knowledge received during the coaching with Paul."
-- Anastasia Romashkina, Switzerland
Finally Lost 15 Lbs After Failing Many Times Before
"Before I started working with Paul, I had fatigue and low motivation to do anything.
I was overweight and I thought I was too old to lose weight at 59 and I've tried several diets in the past with no success.
After working with Paul, I experienced more energy I'm very motivated to get outside and walk, run. I don't need an alarm clock to wake me up. During the program with Paul, I lost over 15 lbs.
The best thing about my new lifestyle is the simplicity of it all, I travel a lot and I'm not worried about food at all.
I visited Canada last month and had no issues staying on track.
Now, after the program I continue to lose weight, my skin is glowing and my kids and husband all said I look younger and very healthy."
- Hazel Roberts, USA
Regained Energy, Balanced Hormones, Lost 19+ Lbs In 8 Weeks
"I thoroughly enjoyed partnering with Yulia during the 8 weeks of the program. She is professional, friendly, and approachable and the support and encouragement she gave me were invaluable.
Yulia has a wealth of knowledge and it was wonderful to have her share such vital information in a well-structured manner.
When I started on the program, I was suffering from eye issues, fatigue, and insomnia, I had eczema and was very overweight. In just a couple of weeks, I regained energy, started to feel better, my rash disappeared and even my eyes improved.
In 8 weeks, I lost over 19 pounds, which improved my health and confidence.
I am so grateful to Yulia for all her assistance, and I recommend this program to anyone interested in addressing the cause of their health issues!"
- Mandy Smith, Australia
Health Issues Completely Gone, Lost 21 Pounds In 8 Weeks, Started Running
"Inflammation and acne? Gone. Insomnia? Gone. Yeast infections? Gone. Mood swings? Mind fog? Headaches? All of it is gone. It was insane and feels like a miracle.
This has never happened to me before. Not only that, I lost a grand total of 21 pounds and that is with all the tools Paul gave me. I lost almost 6% of body fat, which is a drastic reduction from what it was, considering I only started this lifestyle 2 months ago.
While the weight loss is incredible and awesome, it isn't the best part. Being comfortable in my own skin and having the energy to do the things that bring me joy is all I could ever hope for, especially considering I went into it highly skeptical because I didn't want to be disappointed after failing so many times in the past.
What I find even more extraordinary, is that I'm training for a 10K terrain race. The training is ambitious and I have all the energy to do it and recuperate well after each session.
I cannot come close to expressing in words how utterly grateful I am to the lifestyle, to Paul and Yulia for the amazing work that they do and to my own body for giving me a second chance to treat it properly."
- Carmen Lujan, USA
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Disclaimer: The information provided in or through our Website, Programs, Products and Services is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own Medical Provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other health professional), Mental Health Provider (including psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker), registered dietitian, or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy. We are not doctors. Communication with us is not a substitute for professional medical advice.