We Help Driven People Optimize Their Gut And Hormonal Health, Restore Their Energy And Lose Up To 20 Lbs In 8 Weeks To Build A Vibrant, Confident Body And Perform At Their Best

Paul and Yulia Tarbath Rawsomehealthy

What We Do

As certified holistic nutritionists with over 12 years of coaching experience, we've helped thousands of people around the world reverse challenging health conditions, such as thyroid and other hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto's and other autoimmune diseases, fatigue, Candida and gut health issues, weight struggles and many more. Our mission is to help conscious and driven people restore their hormonal imbalances (including thyroid, Hashimoto's PCOS, estrogen dominance, fertility issues, painful menopause, and others), beat their fatigue and lose up to 20 lbs of excess weight in just 8 weeks so they can wake up with joy and energy, start working out again, be able to perform at their best and be present for the people they love.


If you have hormonal, energy, gut and weight issues, you've probably already tried it all.

A suitcase of supplements, extreme diets, endless labs, biohacking, “detoxes and cleanses” ... doctors, NDs, practitioners, restrictive diets, special protocols ... you name it!

Yet, there is a way to help you go from feeling drained, depressed, missing out on your life, to feeling vibrant, empowered, younger, and in love with your your body, once again.

It all comes down to following the right health restoration method that uses the latest, cutting-edge health research and science.


Our wellness solutions are designed to help people make the necessary lifestyle changes and see positive results ... often in a matter of just DAYS! We create and help you implement effective nutrition and lifestyle plans tailored to the specific needs of you as an individual.

We focus on helping people achieve amazing health results in just weeks by taking ownership of their own body and lifestyle to overcome their health challenges naturally, boost their energy and productivity levels, as well as overall happiness.

Meet Paul and Yulia ...

Hello there! As a married couple of 22+ years, we've been coaching people professionally for over a decade and helped thousands of our driven, successful clients achieve outstanding results with their health in a matter of just weeks.

Our goal is to help health-driven people optimize their hormones, energy levels, nutrition and lifestyle to perform at their best.

Book you free 15-minuite Health Accelerator Session to see how we can help you personally.

Paul and Yulia Tarbath Rawsomehealthy

We created the "SRRM" Blueprint to help you experience amazing health results ... that last!

Just think about it—the stakes are high. This is your health, your career, your relationship with your loved ones and your life. The cost of doing nothing (financial, career, family, personal life) can be very costly.

That a stronger, fitter body-mind and spirit are just around the corner—all you need is the right plan, tools and support. We’re here to help you make it happen!

How Does Our Coaching Work? Just 3 Easy Steps...


Schedule your free 15-Minute Health Accelerator Call with us.


We discuss your goals and create a blueprint to help you experience noticeable positive health results.


You take action with our support—and together we work towards your desired health outcomes.

Our Success Over The Last 10+ Years

  • Helped thousands of people with their health restoration, many of which were stubborn.
  • 90% of our clients experience more energy, start to lose excess weight and feel happier within 3-7 days.
  • 100% of our clients feel an improvement in their sleep, energy and performance within the first 3-7 days.
  • Typical weight loss of 15-20 lbs within 8 weeks of our program (without restrictive dieting or carb restriction).
  • Within 8 weeks of our program, 85% of our clients report being symptom free.
  • Been featured in media, including The Huffington Post, The Daily Mail, Mirror, Mind Body Green, Natural News and other media channels across the world in many different countries.
  • Delivered talks and presentations around the world, including UK, USA, Denmark, Netherlands, Singapore, and Thailand.
  • Built a Youtube channel with over 11 million views, built a community of 100,000 health-conscious followers across our social media.
  • Specialize in helping people rebuild their hormones, gut and energy levels naturally and holistically.

Some Amazing Client Results

"I'm a business owner and was struggling with my fatigue and health issues. Thanks for Paul and Yulia's program, I lost 40 lbs of excess weight in total and within 6 weeks all my symptoms, including fatigue, bloating, Candida and digestive problems, as well as skin issues were gone! I felt happy, healthy and full of energy."

- Brittney Douglas, Business Owner, California, USA

"I'm a professional female with a busy career. Within 8 weeks of Paul's program, my kidney function improved, cholesterol went down, arthritis was no longer bothering me, high blood pressure became normal, and my skin was clear again. I lost about 12 lbs of extra weight and I feel young and vibrant again!"

- Nancy Evans, Pennsylvania, USA

"I lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks without dieting. Within the very first week of the program, my migraines had disappeared completely and my heartburn had gone, arthritis eased and hormones felt more balanced. I have bundles of energy, and feel empowered with the knowledge to continue to nurture my body the right way."

- Mary, USA

"When I came to work with Paul and Yulia, I was 100 lbs overweight, with long-term type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health issues. 9 days after I switched to the plan they created for me, my blood sugar went down from 160 to 110. After 6 weeks, my blood sugar dropped to 98 – the lowest it’s been … forever! My energy levels had gone through the roof and my skin started to glow. After 90 days, I lost 30 pounds. My blood pressure and resting pulse were now both perfect. My high cholesterol levels had dropped. I feel like I have a new life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

- Judy Paps, Medial Nurse, USA

"When I started Paul's program, I needed help with my digestive problems, hormones and weight. 3 days into their program, I no longer had Candida and digestive discomfort symptoms. I began to release extra weight fast without any carbohydrate restriction. I was falling asleep easily and sleeping through the night, plus I was no longer experiencing hot flashes. My skin began to glow and I dropped 17 lbs in 8 weeks. I am beyond happy with my results and have a strong foundation to continue my journey. Working with Paul has changed my life. Highly recommended!"

- Tina Stanley, Medical Professional, Texas, USA

"Before I started working with Paul, I was sick for 12 years. I'm a professional female, but I struggled to work due to adrenal fatigue, brain fog, and sleep issues. Just DAYS into my new lifestyle plan, I felt an increase in energy. I was able to drop afternoon naps and start experiencing lots of energy throughout the whole day. My sleep improved and I started to get a full night’s rest on a regular basis. I was even able to make my first exercise class! I lost 15 lbs in 8 weeks and now feel like 36 at the age of 56. I'm very grateful to this life changing program!"

- Lisabeth, Norway

Health. Is. Your. Birthright.

You deserve it and your team deserves it.

How much will your life change when you step into your healthiest, fittest, most confident confident, high energy body, feeling a sense of joy, playfulness and mastery in your life?

Don’t put this off. This is important. This is YOUR health. YOUR life. YOUR choice. 

It’s time to become your most vibrant, attractive and confident self—the person you’re meant to be. It's time to help your team members experience the same.

We’re here to help you—book a FREE call with us now and let's do this together!

Yulia and Paul Tarbath